Sydney, Calvin, Jaclynn and Nana planted some cosmo flowers in my front yard. Sydney and Calvin cultivated the soil, added some fresh soil, dug the holes for Nana, and even moved some rocks around, Jaclynn was very helpful in looking for worms and digging the surrounding soil she could reach. I was explaining the benefits of worms in the soil. The initial reaction to the worms was Ahhhh. All the while, Candice and Gregory Mark were very happy to sit back and enjoy the busy workers running around spilling soil a little here, a little there. In addition to the neighbor hood dogs licking the babies face and drinking the grand kids water. Next time I will take pictures of all the happenings. A snap shot in time......
Honorable mention, my husband set up this fountain in our back yard that we inherited from my sister in law, I love the sound of the water fountains.... very peaceful. I noticed this morning a hummingbird bathing in the flowing water, I will try to take a video to post, we will see..Thank you Greg...
A good time was had by all..(with the exception of the heavy lifting of the fountain)
Cosmo flowers were purchased at Pinedas Nursery in Stanton, my friend Malessa and I went there Friday morning, she purchased a flat of 16 cosmo containers for $10.00 and I split the flat with her. A bargin, 8 flowers for $5.00. I love this wholesale nursery, I always find something I like.